The veterinary neurology team at Carolina Veterinary Specialists understand that learning your cat has had a stroke can be distressing, however strokes in animals tend not to be as severe as strokes in people. With treatment, many cats go on to recover well and live a good quality of life for years to come.
What is a stroke?
While we often hear the term stroke, you may not be entirely sure what a stroke is. A stroke, (also called a cerebrovascular accident), occurs when the blood supply to the brain is reduced. The brain, relies on constant blood flow to deliver oxygen, supply nutrients and remove waste products.
What are the causes of strokes in cats?
Strokes are most often diagnosed in cats at about 9 years of age and typically occur due to an underlying illness such as heart disease, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, parasites, or kidney disease. In cats there are two different types of stroke and each has a different cause.
Ischaemic Stroke
- A sudden lack of blood supply to the cat's brain causes an Ischaemic stroke. Blood supply can be stopped due to underlying illnesses that lead to a narrowing of the artery, or a clogging of the artery.
Haemorrhagic Stroke
- Haemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding within the cat's brain due to a damaged or burst artery. This bleeding results in blood pressing on the brain tissue, leading to damage in that portion of the brain.
What are the symptoms of strokes in cats?
Symptoms of strokes in cats typically come on very quickly, and will be similar regardless of whether your cat is having an ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke. The severity of symptoms will depend upon the size of the bleed or blockage, and how much of the surrounding brain tissue has been affected. If your cat is experiencing a stroke you may suddenly notice one or more of the following symptoms:
- Head tilt or turn
- Weakness
- Loss of vision
- Loss of balance
- Circling and falling
- Head pressing
- Abnormal eye movements
- Seizures
- Muscle spasms
- Arched body
- Unequal pupil sizes
- Coma
It is important for pet parents to note that while these symptoms are common signs of strokes in cats, they can also be associated with other neurological diseases. Pet parents should also note that symptoms will be at their worst about 24 hours after the stroke has occurred.
If your cat is showing any of the symptoms listed above, veterinary care is required. Contact your vet to let them know what has happened, and make an emergency appointment to see them, or visit your nearest animal emergency hospital for urgent care.
How are strokes in cats diagnosed?
Following a thorough examination, if your vet believes that you cat may have had a stroke, diagnostic testing to confirm the diagnosis will be recommended. Some of the diagnostic tests that can help identify the cause of your cat's symptoms include blood tests, urinalysis, and fecal exams to rule out other possible causes and diagnostic imaging (MRI and CT scans) to help spot abnormalities in the brain.
What treatments are available for cats that have had strokes?
There are a number of supportive therapies available to help your cat recover from, and cope with, their stroke symptoms. Many cats do very well with these therapies:
- Oxygen therapy to promote healing of brain tissue
- Seizure medications to help relieve pressure within the skull
- Treatment of underlying conditions which may have led to the stroke
- Improvements to hydration and/or nutrition
- Assistance with cleanliness and comfort around litter box use
- Physical rehabilitation (physiotherapy for cats) to help address neurological deficits
What is a veterinary neurologist?
A board-certified veterinary neurologist has obtained a doctorate in veterinary medicine (DVM), and has gone on to receive additional specialized training in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nerves, spinal cord, muscles, and brain. If your pet is diagnosed with a neurologic condition such as a stroke, your primary care veterinarian may refer your pet to a veterinary neurologist to receive more advanced diagnostics or treatment.